Guide for Authors

1. Aims & Scope
Journal of Natural Resources is jointly sponsored by the China Society of Natural Resources and the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). It is a comprehensive academic journal focusing on natural resources science and mainly publishes the latest research results on natural resources theory, evaluation of quantity and quality of natural resources, application of new technologies and methods in natural resources research, and findings on regional natural resources management and sustainable development. It also publishes reviews and brief reports on progress and trends in natural resource research, both nationally and internationally. Main columns of the journal include Experts Interview, Theoretical Discussion, Resource Utilization and Management, Resource Security, Resource Ecology, Resource Evaluation, Resource Research Method, Reviews, etc.
The journal is intended for researchers and scientists in the field of natural resource studies, faculty and students in related disciplines at universities and colleges, as well as policymakers, administrators, and decision-makers in government and industry. Submissions from these groups are welcome.

2. Submission Method
To submit a manuscript, please visit the journal's website at: Select "Submit an Article" and follow the instructions to enter the relevant information. After submission, you will generally receive feedback within 3 months. Please do not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously.

3. Basic Requirements for Submissions
(1) Manuscripts should have clear arguments, reliable data, and well-crafted writing. The Chinese abstract should include the research objectives, methods, results, and conclusion, avoid being indicative, and should not exceed 300 words. The English abstract should occupy one full printed page. If the content of the English abstract differs from the Chinese one, please provide the translation of the English abstract separately.
(2) Use standard units of measurement. When using foreign languages in the text, please specify the language and ensure proper capitalization and italicization. For formulas, pay close attention to the use of italics, capitalization, and upper or lower case.
(3) Figures should be clear, with text in 6-point Song font. Allow space for illustrations in the body of the text, and include both Chinese and English captions below each illustration. Maps that include national boundaries must be drawn according to the latest maps published by the SinoMaps Press. Special attention should be paid to the correct depiction of the islands in the South China Sea, the China-India border, the Diaoyu Dao, and the borders of Hong Kong and Macau, China.
(4) Tables should follow a three-line format, be inserted directly into the text, and include both Chinese and English table titles. For tables and figures, the maximum length and width should be 21 cm and 14 cm, respectively.
(5) When citing or excerpting from other works, please include the author's name, the title of the work, and the source in the reference list.
(6) Please provide the accurate full names, affiliations, addresses, postal codes, phone numbers, and email addresses for all authors in the submission system for communication. Do not include this information in the manuscript to ensure anonymous peer review.
(7) A signed Copyright Transfer Agreement must be uploaded along with your manuscript in the submission system (the agreement template is available on the Download page). This agreement must be signed by all authors (electronic signatures are acceptable but must be authentic), and include contact details for verification. Only manuscripts that include this signed agreement will be sent for review.
For more detailed submission requirements, please refer to the Instructions for Submission and other documents available on the Download page.

4. Fee Information
Once an article is accepted for publication, the author will be required to pay a publication fee (CNY 450 per black-and-white page, CNY 1000 per color page) and a review fee (CNY 300). Please specify whether you wish to use color figures at the stage of providing figures to the editorial office prior to typesetting. After typesetting, requests to change color figures to black-and-white due to publication fee issues will not be accepted.

Pubdate: 2009-09-15    Viewed: 100445