Spatial and Temporal Changes of Hainan Coastline in the Past 30 Years Based on RS
Received date: 2011-08-11
Revised date: 2012-04-21
Online published: 2013-01-19
Understanding of changes of coastline has significance in developing and protecting coastal resources. In this paper, based on the technology of GIS and RS, coastlines in the year of 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 of Hainan Island were interpreted from remote sensing images using baseline method. The analysis of spatial and temporal changes of coastlines and the driving forces shows that: Hainan Island coastline changes are mainly affected by human factors; the total length of the coastline had increased by 55.4 km in the past 30 years, which is evidently in the changes of artificial coastline; and the temporal and spatial variation that is mainly reflected in aquaculture reclamation, industrial land use, town and port construction, was significant, especially in southern region where is relatively flat. These results imply that the changes of Hainan Island might lead to a set of environment problems such as coastline erosion, and it is really particularly important to develop coastlines and use the coastal resources reasonably.
YAO Xiao-jing, GAO Yi, DU Yun-yan, JI Min . Spatial and Temporal Changes of Hainan Coastline in the Past 30 Years Based on RS[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2013 , 28(1) : 114 -125 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2013.01.012
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