Resources Evaluation

Carrying Capacity of Livestock in Cropland of Two Typical Regions Dominated by Agriculture in China

  • 1. Yucheng Station, Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modelling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, CAS, Changsha 410125, China

Received date: 2011-03-08

  Revised date: 2012-05-23

  Online published: 2013-01-19


According to the nutrients demand and available loss of current cropping system, livestock density under environmental capacity in two different areas, i.e., Yucheng County in Shandong Province and Taoyuan County in Hunan Province, was analyzed on the basis of nutrition budget of cropland by different input scenarios of manure N and manure P2O5. When the input of manure N accounted for 30%, 60% and 100% of total input of N in cropland, the carrying capacities of livestock in the farmland of Yucheng are 4.1 LU·hm-2, 8.3 LU·hm-2, 13.8 LU·hm-2 and the corresponding load indexes of the farmland are 2.2, 1.1, 0.7; and those in the farmland of Taoyuan are 4.4 LU·hm-2, 8.7 LU·hm-2, 14.6 LU·hm-2 and 1.4, 0.7, 0.4 respectively. When the input of manure P2O5 accounted for 30%, 60% and 100%of total input of P2O5 in cropland, the carrying capacities of livestock in the farmland of Yucheng are 6.7 LU·hm-2, 13.5 LU·hm-2, 22.5 LU·hm-2 and the corresponding load indexes of the farmland are 1.3, 0.7, 0.4. Those in the farmland of Taoyuan are 2.5 LU·hm-2, 5.1 LU·hm-2, 8.5 LU·hm-2 and 2.4, 1.2, 0.7 respectively. The results show that the carrying capacity of livestock in farmland of Yucheng depending on nitrogen budget is smaller than depending on phosphorus budget and the load index by nitrogen budget is higher than by phosphorus budget, and that of Taoyuan are opposite with Yucheng. Furthermore, the obvious differences existed among townships within the two areas. Therefore, to prevent regional environment from livestock manure related pollution the livestock density and the quantity of manure should be restricted based on the assimilative capacity of cropland to nutrition. Nitrogen balance in Yucheng and phosphorus balance in Taoyuan should be paid special attention to separately; and the livestock and manure should be distributed evenly within each region.

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WU Lan-fang, OUYANG Zhu, XIE Xiao-li . Carrying Capacity of Livestock in Cropland of Two Typical Regions Dominated by Agriculture in China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2013 , 28(1) : 104 -113 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2013.01.011


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