Colligation Evaluation of Industrial Land Intensive Use in Hubei Province—Based on 365 Valid Questionnaires of Typical Industrial Enterprises
Received date: 2012-01-11
Revised date: 2012-05-07
Online published: 2013-01-19
Industrial land is the main type of construction land and an important part of urban land, the intensive degree directly related to the urban land use status. With the quickening of the process of industrialization in Hubei Province, the restriction of land to economic development will be more obvious, heavy industry guidance model demanded more land. In order to realize the further development of the industry and the rational allocation of resources, using land intensively will be the inevitable choice. This article established an intensive land use evaluation system for industrial land, composed of four objective layers(which are land use construction, land use intensity, land investment and land productivity) and nine element layers(which are plant and related land rate, outdoor yard and operation field land rate, volume rate, building density, land idle rate, fixed assets investment intensity, labor input intensity, and so on). The land intensive use degrees of 365 typical industrial enterprises are discriminated using Bayes discriminant method. Based on the discriminant results, this paper used geometric mean algorithm to evaluate intensive land use potentiality of moderate and less intensive use enterprises. Results showed that: among the 365 enterprises, 82 will use land intensively, accounting for 22.47% of the total samples; 215 will use land moderately and less intensively, accounting for 58.90% of the total samples. The larger proportions of intensive use are metal smelting and rolling processing industry, communication equipment, computer and other electronic equipment manufacturing. The larger proportions of moderate use and low use are special equipment manufacturing industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and chemical raw materials and chemical industry. There is approximately 865.70 hm2 potential land, accounting for 42.83% of current land, indicating a huge potentiality. In order to improve the industrial land intensive use degrees and mine enterprise potential, we should work out a perfect economic policy, technical specifications and administrative legal policy system, establish reasonable industrial sector land use standards and improve the market proportion of industrial land supply.
CHEN Yu, CHEN Yin-rong, MA Wen-bo . Colligation Evaluation of Industrial Land Intensive Use in Hubei Province—Based on 365 Valid Questionnaires of Typical Industrial Enterprises[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2013 , 28(1) : 73 -80 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2013.01.008
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