Coupling Mechanism of Slope-gully Erosion in Typical Black Soil Area of Northeast China
Received date: 2012-03-02
Revised date: 2012-04-27
Online published: 2012-12-20
Black Soil Area of Northeast China is one of the most important marketable grain bases in China, but serious soil loss bring the crucial challenge to the marketable grain production. In this paper, supportad by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, taking typical Black Soil Area of Northeast China which is located in the Wuyuer River and Nemoer River basins as study area, based on USLE model and SPOT 5 imagery, the amount of soil erosion on hillslope and gully distribution data in 2005 were obtained respectively. Then the coupling relations between hillslope erosion and gully erosion of different grades, slopes, aspects and so on were analyzed. The results showed that slight erosion and light erosion were the main hillslope eroded area in the study area. Gully erosion was much serious and had a great potential for development. When the slope was below 5°, slope was the key factor causing gully erosion. However, when the slope was above 5°, slope was no more the important factor causing gully erosion. In addition, it showed that the amount of hillslope erosion on sunny slope was higher than shady slope, but for the gully erosion, aspect was not the key factor affecting the formation of gully erosion in Black Soil Area of Northeast China. In areas with an erosion intensity smaller than 2500 t/(km2·a), erosion gully density increased with the amount of hillslope erosion. However, When it is greater than 2500 t/(km2·a), the erosion gully density would be comparatively stable.
WANG Wen-juan, ZHANG Shu-wen, FANG Hai-yan . Coupling Mechanism of Slope-gully Erosion in Typical Black Soil Area of Northeast China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012 , 27(12) : 2113 -2122 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.12.012
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