Theory Construction and Its Application to Ecological Environment Compensation Based on Ecological Land Rent
Received date: 2012-01-11
Revised date: 2012-05-02
Online published: 2012-12-20
Ecological environment compensation is an urgent problem need to be resolved in the field of natural resource and ecological management. As a new idea, ecological land rent has enriched the methodology and theory of ecological environment compensation. Essentially, ecological land rent is excessive profits generated from scarcity of ecological resources, and the profits be used to pay for ecological environment compensation wouldn’t decrease the necessary income of social producers. So, it is a feasible way to perfect the theory and practice of ecological environment compensation based on ecological land rent.
Taking "resource scarcity-ecological land rent-ecological environment compensation" as logic route, discussing the formation process of ecological land rent I and ecological land rent Ⅱ, and according to allocation of ecological land rent, this paper distinguished ecological environment compensation I related to ecological resource consumption from ecological environment compensation Ⅱ related to improvement of production efficiency. And theoretical framework of ecological environment compensation based on ecological land rent was constructed and new idea of ecological environment compensation was put forward. Then, based on the data of ecological footprint and input-output table, the quantity of ecological environment compensation in per unit economy output of China was counted. The result shows, in China, during 1997 to 2007, the total ecological environment compensation I increased from 2781×108 yuan to 9900×108 yuan, and ecological environment compensation Ⅱ increased from 26318×108 yuan to 68262×108 yuan. This implied the serious condition of ecological environment protection and it is anxious to compensate ecological environment in China. In future, as the consumption of ecological resource increasing, the quantity of ecological environment compensation will increase at the same time. In order to ensure sustainable use of ecological resources, it is necessary to pay enough compensation fund to govern ecological environment and reward contributors of ecological environment protection. Accordingly, ecological environment compensation I will be used to cover scarcity of ecological resources and ecological environment compensation Ⅱ will be used to encourage producers to improve production efficiency and adopt advanced technologies.
The research of ecological environment compensation from the perspective of ecological land rent provides new ideas to make policies to resolve ecological problem. Finally, this paper suggests some ways to realize ecological environment compensation I and Ⅱ such as to establish ecological tax system, reform price mechanism of resource-based products and perfect incentive system of environment protection and so on.
LONG Kai-sheng, CHEN Li-gen . Theory Construction and Its Application to Ecological Environment Compensation Based on Ecological Land Rent[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012 , 27(12) : 2048 -2056 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.12.006
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