Relationship among LAI and Meteorological Factors and Biomass of Maize in Dry-farming Areas of Northwestern China
Received date: 2011-01-21
Revised date: 2012-07-02
Online published: 2012-11-20
Based on the experiment data of maize on the Xifeng Agrometeorological Experiment Station and meteorological data on Xifeng National Base Climate Station from 1994 to 2008, the characteristics of LAI (Leaf Area Index) and influence of accumulated temperature and PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) on LAI, influence of LAI on total water storage in depth of 50 cm in soil, biomass and yield factors have been analyzed. The results showed that the LAI in three leaves period to milky mature period presented "S-shape" curves with the days in which LAI increased slowly in 8 to 28 days after emerging then increased rapidly at a rate of 0.7/10 days in 28 to 74 days after emergence and at last decreased slowly at a rate of 0.1/10 days in 74 to 103 days after emerging and water ratio of leaves decreased by 0.9% every 10 days. During the experiment years, the different values of precipitation was bigger which the variation coefficients were 31% to 92%; next was effective accumulated temperature ≥10℃ with the variation coefficients 15% to 58% and PAR was the stable factor in which the variation coefficients were 6% to 18%. The meteorological factors in all experiment years tended to be average value from sowing to milky maturation period. LAI and effective accumulated temperature and PAR varied with power function that turning point of values of LAI were in 500℃ of effective accumulated temperature and 250 MJ/m2 of PAR. Total water storage in depth of 50cm in soil decreased by 11 mm with LAI increased by 1. Biomass of maize turned to be power function described by LAI in which the most optimum value is 3.5. The most optimum planting density was 60000 plants per hectare. Relevance between yield factors and LAI in seven leaves to jointing period was not notability but notability in tasseling to milky maturation period. LAI in tasseling period within the specific limits was favorable to improve economic outputs.
YAO Xiao-ying, LI Xiao-wei, WANG Yu-xi, WANG Ning-zhen . Relationship among LAI and Meteorological Factors and Biomass of Maize in Dry-farming Areas of Northwestern China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012 , 27(11) : 1881 -1889 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.11.007
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