With the scarcity factors of resources and energy, the overall resource consumption along a product life cycle can be evaluated in LCA(Life Cycle Assessment) studies. In this paper, CADP (Chinese Abiotic Depletion Potential) factors of various resources and fossil energy in the Chinese context were obtained by adopting the broadly used Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) factors in CML methods and modifying them with self-sufficiency rate of individual resources in China. The factors will support the assessment of resource and energy consumption for LCA studies and relevant policy studies in China. It also provides an adaptable method for other national or regional analysis. The case study shows that the CADP of 1 kWh grid power is 1.02 kg coal-R eq. The 60.46% of contribution comes from the coal consumption, then from oil consumption (11.63%), and the consumption of other resources like copper, nickel etc. in infrastructure construction also contributes.
HOU Ping, WANG Hong-tao, ZHU Yong-guang, WENG Duan
. Chinese Scarcity Factors of Resources/Energy and their Application in Life Cycle Assessment[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012
, 27(9)
: 1572
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.09.014
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