Quantitative Analysis on the Impact of Water Resource on Crop Production in Horqin Sandy Land—A Case Study in Naiman Banner

  • Environmental Strategy Team, College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China

Received date: 2010-06-13

  Revised date: 2012-04-01

  Online published: 2012-09-20


A model was built up based on the Cobb-Douglas Function. The impact of three kinds of variables, included climate factors, economic factors and technological factors, on the crop production during the period from 1987 to 2008 was quantitatively analyzed. The results showed that: 1) The labor (t=9.44, P=0.00), the irrigation water (t=6.89, P=0.00) and the precipitation (t=8.33, P=0.00) were the most important factors to the crop production, when being compared to other 7 factors. The irrigation water and the precipitation were related to the water resource, reflecting that water resource accelerated the crop production. 2) Actually, the labor kept declining since 2003, leading to the serious waste of water resource. According to the regressed model, the irrigation water increased by 3.31% when the labor declined by 1%. And also, the irrigation water increased by 0.94% when the annual precipitation declined by 1%. 3) The fluctuation of the annual precipitation affected the yield per unit area greatly. The change of the annual precipitation was negatively related to the change of the area of the arable land, since local residents frequently enlarged their arable land when the weather got drier. The irrigation water also impacted the yield per unit area greatly. In a word, the water resource played much more important role in the crop production, and the water consumption brought heavier burden on local ecosystem.

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GE Xiao-dong, HU Su-jun, YE Qing . Quantitative Analysis on the Impact of Water Resource on Crop Production in Horqin Sandy Land—A Case Study in Naiman Banner[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012 , 27(9) : 1471 -1479 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.09.004


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