Using the bounded rationality and behavior decision-making mechanism to research human decision-making behavior has become one of the hot-spots in rational diversification of Modern Economics. In this paper, we discussed the influencing factors of peasant household bounded rationality and behavior decision-making in microscopic scale of land use change. A case was studied for Gaoxigou Village of Mizhi County in Shaanxi Province. After establishing the household income expectation model, using 2009-2011 household survey data, the differences between the rational optimal decision and the farmers’actual decision-making were indentified firstly. Then based on bounded rationality idea, using the Probit model which can better reflect the satisfaction of farmer’s decision to explain and analyze these differences and the influential factors. The conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1) There is a significant difference between the rational optimal decision and the farmers’actual decision-making in Gaoxigou Village, which can illustrate that household’s bounded rationality plays an important role in decision-making. 2) Constructing 0-1 dummy variable by Probit model can simulate the households behavior of decision-making attitude, and four types of variables are selected to explain the impact on household decision-making. The results revealed that the coefficient of agricultural income is 0.78, the variable that reflected the relative economic decline status is 0.41, the coefficient of the area of grain for green is -0.42, arable land is -0.62, wage income is -0.34, the coefficient of gender is 0.48, and the coefficient of labor is 0.31. All levels show the significant association, and which is in line with the comparison between theoretical predictions and actual research.
CHEN Shan-shan, CHEN Hai, LIANG Xiao-ying, LIU Jun-xin
. Effect of the Household Bounded Rationality Decision-making about Land Use Behavior:A Case Study for Gaoxigou Village of Mizhi County in Shaanxi Province[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012
, 27(8)
: 1286
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.08.003
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