To support water resource allocation and planning scientifically, this study analyzed the historical trend of water consumption for winter wheat and summer maize in recent 50 years with Mann-Kendall trend test method. Characteristics of evapotranspiration and water use efficiency (WUE) were presented. Furthermore, the reasons accounting for historical trend of water consumption were proposed by analyzing the trend of water surface evaporation and meteorological factors. Data used in this study came from literatures and long time experimental observations at Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Results suggested: 1) The water consumption of winter wheat and summer maize in the North China Plain showed a downtrend in recent 50 years. The water consumption for winter wheat had decreased from 501.2 mm to 456.3 mm, and that of summer maize fluctuated between 300.0 mm and 400.0 mm. 2) WUE for winter wheat and summer maize had been promoted to a large extent. WUE had increased from 3.31 kg/(hm2穖m) to 15.91 kg/(hm2穖m) for winter wheat and from 3.72 kg/(hm2穖m) to 23.36 kg/(hm2穖m) for summer maize. 3) Stages from jointing to milking had high evapotranspiration rate for winter wheat, and several irrigations were needed to meet water demand. Similarly, summer maize in stages from jointing to grain filling consumed more water. However, no additional irrigations were needed due to rainy season. 4) Increase of relative humidity and decrease of sunshine times primarily weakened evaporability, and thus water consumption for winter wheat and summer maize showed a downtrend.
CHEN Bo, OUYANG Zhu, CHENG Wei-xin, LIU Li-ping
. Water Consumption for Winter Wheat and Summer Maize in the North China Plain in Recent 50 Years[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012
, (7)
: 1186
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.07.010
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