China’s Energy Saving and Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Potential of Main Industries Technology and Its Realizing Way

  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Received date: 2011-10-21

  Revised date: 2012-03-19

  Online published: 2012-06-20


This paper analyses the energy predication and consumption patterns since the 21st century in China, especially in the energy consumption of the energy-intensive industries. Meanwhile, it compares the gap between China’s per unit product energy consumption of the relatively energy-intensive industries with the international advanced level. To the gap and major problems, it probes into China’s potential of the energy-intensive industries in energy-saving and carbon emission reduction. Through energy-saving and carbon dioxide emissions of the energy-intensive industries, in the national total targets that reduce 40% to 45% of carbon dioxide of per unit GDP in 2020, it probes into the contribution rate and the contribution scale of the energy saving industrial technology of the relatively energy-intensive industries. Through technological progress of the coal, the iron and steel, the non-ferrous metals, the building materials, the petrochemical, the chemical, the coal mining, the oil and gas mining and other major energy-intensive industries, it is forecasted that the energy-saving potential of industrial technology would realize 51560×104-52000×104 tec and would reduce carbon dioxide by a total size of 125800×104-126880×104 t. Carbon dioxide emissions in the entire unit of GDP would decrease by 40% to 45% of the national target in 2020, the energy saving and carbon emission of industrial technology accounts for the contribution rate of 15.5%-16.5%, and will not be able to assume primary responsibility for achieving national target. In addition, China’s industrial technology for energy saving potential and carbon emission reduction for further expansion, the future path of the main energy saving was discussed. Included the steady progress of the CCS projects(Carbon Capture and Storage)in the energy-intensive industries, backward technology and equipment and new material to speed up the elimination industry to achieve economies of scale enterprise development, strong industry association to promote industrial parks and guide the development of circular economy, strengthen the establishment of cleaner production organization and promote comprehensive utilization of resources.

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ZHAO Jian-an, JIN Qian-zhi, WEI Dan-qing . China’s Energy Saving and Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Potential of Main Industries Technology and Its Realizing Way[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012 , 27(6) : 912 -921 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.06.003


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