This study releases a fact that the national energy supply system could extend its spatial bordering as the demands for the fuels, especially oil and gas, increased and the structure of energy supply diversified. It is, therefore, that the time-space coordination of national energy supply would be a key issue for national energy security, not only because an uneven distribution of mineral resources of the world but also the changeable environments for national energy supply. According to the long-term practices of national industrialization in China, the development of time-space coordination for national energy supply could be devised as three stages: namely, local, regional and international. In 2008, for example, the average distance of fuels' movement for the whole country climbed up to 2435 km, nearly 3 folds more than that of 1980 when the time-space coordination of national energy supply came from the regional stage to the international one. More importantly, the national energy supply has faced more and more challenges from the environments such as natural disasters and geopolitics as it growing up. For instance, the freezing and snowing disasters occurred in the early of 2008 brought about 529.8 billion yuan ($76.2 billion) of economic loss only due to a seriously disturbed national coal transport and power nets systems. Such a practice in China strongly implies only when the increase of energy consumption, labeled as the time course, is coordinated with the space expansion of supply, named as the space course, effectively and reliably, can the national energy supply system develop eventually.
ZHANG Lei, HUANG Yuan-xi, YANG Bo, LI Jiang-su, CHENG Xiao-ling
. Time-Space Coordination of National Energy Supply[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2012
, 27(4)
: 529
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.04.001
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