Resources Evaluation

Climate Verification for Tobacco Planting in Parts of Yunnan Based on Comparison with Foreign High-quality Tobacco

  • 1. Yunnan Provincial Climate Center, Kunming 650034, China;
    2. ;
    3. Zhaotong Branch Office of Yunnan Tobacco Company, Zhaotong 657000, China;
    4. Puer Branch Office of Yunnan Tobacco Company, Puer 665000, China

Received date: 2010-07-21

  Revised date: 2011-01-21

  Online published: 2011-09-20


Based on data of tobacco quality and meteorological observation for Zimbabwe tobacco-planting area and eight places in Yunnan, contrastive analysis and hierarchical clustering method are used to investigate the relationships between meteorological conditions and chemical quality for main components, smoking quality of tobacco leaves as well as the contents of its flavor matter. The results showed that five chemical quality types of tobacco leaves had different requirements for meteorological conditions during tobacco field growing stage. And the climatic conditions of mature period for tobacco leaves affected the quality forming of tobacco significantly. Meanwhile, the influence of content indices for primary chemical components and flavor matters on smoking quality evaluation of flue-tobacco had both consistency and difference. In Yunnan’s tobacco-planting belt, if there are less sunshine duration and abundant rain from intermediate to final growth phase during tobacco field growing stage (especially mature period for tobacco leaves), some ratios of major chemical components for tobacco would be unbalanced, and the contents of a great number of flavor matters would decrease while minority flavor matters increased, which would result in the downgrade of smoking quality for tobacco leaves particularly, the quality and volume of aroma would be severely affected. Climatically, there are less areas similar to one of Zimbabwe that can produce high quality tobacco leaves in Yunnan. In order to get the tobacco leaves similar to foreign high-quality tobacco, homologous cultivation bases should be selected from the areas where sunshine is sufficient, rainfall is relatively less and temperature appropriately higher from intermediate to final growth phase during tobacco field growing stage.

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HUANG Zhong-yan, KONG Guang-hui, NI Xia, DENG Jian-hua, ZHANG Ru-yang . Climate Verification for Tobacco Planting in Parts of Yunnan Based on Comparison with Foreign High-quality Tobacco[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011 , 26(9) : 1592 -1602 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.09.015


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