Resources Ecology

Ecological Compensation Mechanism on Inter-Basin Water Transfer

  • 1. Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China;
    2. Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China

Received date: 2011-03-02

  Revised date: 2011-07-03

  Online published: 2011-09-20


The inter-basin water transfer is one of the most important methods of solving water problem in water shortage regions of our country. Nevertheless, the ecological compensation, which derived from the inter-basin water transfer, is the key factor that could restrict the economic and social benefit of the water transfer project. Nowadays, when we design the mechanism of ecological compensation in inter-basin water transfer, the main adoption of general theories and methods applied in the field of inner basin leads to series problems, such as: the absence of compensation subject, incompleteness of compensation objects, irrational compensation standards, and simplicity of compensation methods. These problems greatly limit the practice of ecological compensation in inter-basin water transfer. In this paper, we have compared the different features of ecological compensation between inner-basin water conservation and inter-basin water transfer in the aspects of impacts of projects, the forms of water rights transfer, relationship of stakeholders, management departments and evaluation standards. Then, from the perspective of regional water rights, we put forward a mechanism framework of ecological compensation in inter-basin water transfer, which includes objects, standards, method and guarantee system of ecological compensation.

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LI Hao, HUANG Wei, LIU Tao, PENG Zhi-min . Ecological Compensation Mechanism on Inter-Basin Water Transfer[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011 , 26(9) : 1506 -1512 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.09.006


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