The information which includes land use, vegetation cover and slope, was extracted by combining "3S" techniques with field investigation in the research region of Fujian Province, and the distribution maps of soil and water loss in the year of 1995, 2000 and 2007 were compiled. Moreover, the soil and water loss intensities for 1995, 2000 and 2007 were analyzed respectively by means of Geostatistics. The results show that the soil and water loss intensities can be exactly simulated by the semivariograms of spherical models. The soil and water loss intensities are nearly NNE-SSW directions which are consistent with the topographic orientation. The sill values about the soil and water loss intensities decrease, which means the soil and water loss intensities become weaker and evener. The proportions of structural variance values and nugget variance values are 12.31% and 87.69% (1995), 3.51% and 96.49% (2000), and 2.94% and 97.06% (2007) respectively. The proportions of stochastic factors are bigger than structural factors and increase with the time, which means the soil and water loss intensities are closely connected with many factors, and anthropogenic activity is one of the most important factors. Furthermore, the stochastic factors are predominant in small scale, whereas the structural factors are predominant in medium scale. The connotations of structural factors and stochastic factors need further analysis, and natural factors and anthropogenic activity must be considered simultaneously for the spatial variability of soil and water loss in small scale.
CHEN Zhi-qiang, CHEN Zhi-biao, CHEN Ming-hua
. Geostatistical Analysis on Soil and Water Loss in Fujian Province[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011
, 26(8)
: 1394
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.08.028
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