In recent years, wind power, a non-polluting, renewable green energy, has been developed and utilized faster than ever. For better utilization of wind energy resources and understanding wind energy changing trend under climate change condition in Henan Province, the spatial-temporal distribution of wind energy was studied in this paper with the meteorological data from 1971 to 2000, the statistical methods and wind energy calculation methods in hydrodynamics were used in this paper. The results show: 1) the special terrain characters create the features of higher wind speed mostly clustered in plain areas of northern Henan, central Henan, eastern Henan as well as southern Henan, western Henan is a zone with lower wind speed. 2) The wind changing trend reduced gradually from the 1970s to the 2000s in most parts of Henan Province except several districts. Eastern Henan has been tested to be the most serious zone in wind speed decrease, and other parts of Henan have a relative less value in wind speed decrease. 3) Wind energy's distribution was the same as wind speed, the highest wind-energy zone clustered in northern Henan, central Henan, eastern Henan and southern Henan, western Henan is a zone with lower wind energy.
ZHANG Hong-wei, CHEN Huai-liang, ZHANG Hong
. Utilization and Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Wind Energy Resources in Henan Province Based on GIS[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011
, 26(6)
: 1021
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.06.013
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