Cultivated land soil nutrients precision management zoning is a significant measurement to properly protect and utilize farmland and implement variable fertilization. This study took Dingzhuang Town in Guangrao County of Shandong Province as a case, overlay method between soil map and land use map was adopted to produce zoning units, the zoning factors were chosen synthetically by Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and principal component analysis, the weight of indicators were determined by degree of membership method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and the amounts of management zoning were decided by K-Means Cluster Analysis. Using the method mentioned above, the model of cultivated land soil nutrients management zoning at town scale was built. The cultivated land in Dingzhuang Town was divided into three different management zones. On this basis, the prescription fertilization in different zones and for different field crops were calculated by the objective yield model. The result showed that the fertilizer amount needed for different field crops varied greatly. Compared with summer crops, autumn crops need more nitrogen fertilizer, less phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer flat; the fertilizer amount needed for different management zones differed also greatly, gradually increased from the first zone to the third zone; the prescription fertilization in different management zones was characterized by the variances of potash fertilizer ratio, the proportion of N, P and K for summer crops was about 1 ∶0.38 ∶0.68-0.71, for autumn crops, 1 ∶0.33 ∶0.66-0.68. The study proposes the method of cultivated land soil nutrient precision management that is compatible with the dispersed and extensive management in our country, which has a positive reference value to soil nutrient and fertilizing management in small regions.
LI Wen-lu, ZHAO Geng-xing, XU Zhi-wei
. Cultivated Land Soil Nutrient Precision Management Zoning and Prescription Fertilization at Town Scale[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011
, 26(5)
: 746
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.05.003
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