Beijing, the national politic, economic and cultural center, has the formidable synthesis innovation superiority, must make the model in economic system effective and ecosystem stable, constructing the capital eco-economic zone is an inevitable trend of the Beijing mountainous area’s science development. The capital eco-economic zone region scope is Beijing’s seven mountainous area county, its construction must take "two mountains, five rivers, seven groups" as the spatial structure and take "an area, three bases, a platform" as frame goal. As exploring Beijing mountainous area’s environment, economical and social coordinated development way, constructing capital eco-economic zone is the realistic need of optimizing mountainous area’s eco-environment construction, conform to the reforming objective requirement of mountainous area’s development, has vital scientific significance, practical foundation and theoretical basis, should follow "break administration boundary, ecology leadership development" and other principles, spend 10-15 years, construct eco-industrial economic belt (corridor), expand eco-economic zone regional space scope and make the northern China eco-economic growth, to construct it as the Beijing green-rise forerunner area and the national eco-economic model district.
ZHANG Yi-feng, LIU Chun-la, ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Hong-ye, MU Song-lin, JIA Da-meng, LAN Ting-ting
. The Proposed Capital Eco-Economic Zone and Its Strategic Conception[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011
, 26(3)
: 389
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.03.005
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