Currently, many countries are facing the increasingly serious water scarcity problems around the world. Under such a situation, how to ensure fairness of water use for each person has become one of the important tasks for the Chinese government, which is directly related to sustainable development of water resources. In this paper, we give an introduction of the fairness of water use, then set up a model for calculating Gini coefficient to judge it, with the population growth, domestic water use and other data, we calculated the Gini coefficient for domestic water use. Results showed that with the elapse of time, the Gini coefficient for domestic water use present a decreasing trend, this means domestic water use is becoming more and more equitable. However, the trend of 1995-2000 increased slowly, so it is necessary to pay attention to this possible disruptions.
WANG Xiao-jun, ZHANG Jian-yun, LIU Jiu-fu, HE Rui-min, LIU Cui-shan, WANG Yan-can
. Discussion on Evaluating the Fairness of Domestic Water Use in China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011
, 26(2)
: 328
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.02.016
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