Starting from the three constituents of tourism system—destination system, tourist source system and travel traffic system—this thesis analyzes the constitution of an evaluation index system for the suitability of wetland tourism development, comes up with this system which is composed of 19 indexes in 4 aspects, namely, resources endowment, urban dependence, traffic accessibility and population & economic base, and determines the weighing of indexes through analytic hierarchy process(AHP), with the aim of quantitatively evaluating the suitability of tourism development for the wetland resources in Jiangsu Province.Next, this thesis sorts out 126 wetland nature reserves within Jiangsu Province from the regional planning for important ecological functional area in Jiangsu Province released by Environmental Protection Department of Jiangsu Province, collects or calculates 19 index to figure for these wetland nature reserves. The values of 4 sub-items among the evaluation index system for the suitability of wetland tourism development as well as the total value were calculated by weighted score. It is shown by the calculation results that the total value of suitability of tourism development for 126 wetland nature reserves falls in between 36.64 and 72.98.According to sub-item evaluation result, Jiangsu wetland resources are clustering into four tourism development types by K-means cluster analysis, namely the highest suitability wetland resources,higher real suitability wetland resources,higher potential suitability wetland resources and low suitability wetland resources, including 38, 19, 36 and 33 wetland nature reserves respectively.Subsequently,it is suggested that the highest suitability wetland resources should be actively develop and the higher real suitability wetland resources should be moderately developed, the higher potential suitability wetland resources should be developed accompanying economic growth and the development of low suitability wetland resources should be temporarily restricted. Simultaneously, public welfare development ideas have been proposed.Finally,some topics currently without conclusion have also been discussed,including principle of tourism development of wetland resources, inconsistency between tourism development suitability of wetland resources and environmental bearing capacity, and relation of tourism development of wetland resources and environmental destruction.
LU Xiao-xu, LU Yu-qi, JIN Cheng, ZHOU Yong-bo
. Evaluation about Tourism Development Suitability of Wetland Resources in Jiangsu[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2011
, 26(2)
: 278
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.02.011
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