Generally, in southern China with complex growing system, fragmentized and dispersed paddy field, and long-term overcast and rainy weather, the performance of using vegetation index (VI) time-series datasets derived from remote sensing imageries to extract multiple-cropping index was seriously constrained by the lower spatial resolution. Currently, the application of higher spatial resolution images can be the exclusive and effective way to extract the spatial pattern of different rice cropping systems annually in these regions. In this paper, firstly, the spatial distribution of paddy field in Poyang Lake Region (PLR) was obtained through one TM imagery interpretation. Secondly, the annual phenological calendar of various systems of paddy rice was defined with the agro-meteorological data. According to the significant characteristics that Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) fluctuates sharply along with the growth process of paddy rice, map of NDVI for paddy field was derived from another TM image within the applicable time window. Then, different cropping systems of paddy rice were classified by means of Unsupervised Classification in Erdas Imagine 9.2. Finally, yield of each raster (100 m) was calculated with unit yield from local statistical department. The results showed that, late April to late June can be the time window to differentiate early rice and single-season rice, while early July till early August and middle September to early October could be the time window for the differentiation between single-season rice and late rice. Specifically, the planting areas of single-season and early/late rice are 3081.58 km2 and 3602.97 km2 in 2005, respectively, indicating that the multiple-cropping index is 153.9%. Single-season rice is generally distributed around the periphery of the built-up area, while double-season rice expanded along the delta. The total yield of paddy rice reached to nearly 16.5 million tons with a proportion of single-season to double-season approximating to 3 ∶7. The two seasons rice both had a higher yield in the lower reaches and delta area of the Ganjiang River.
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