Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Change of Forest Landscape Service Function under Timber Harvest

  • 1. Institute of Applied Ecology,CAS,Shenyang 110016,China;
    2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China

Received date: 2005-05-12

  Revised date: 2005-09-21

  Online published: 2006-02-25


Analysis and evaluation on the forest ecosystem service function and the effect of anth-rotropogenic activity on it is a hot issue in both economy and landscape ecology.This paper aimed at identifying(1) how does the ecological function of forest landscape change after long-term management﹖(2) how does the spatial distribution of ecological function change﹖and(3)What is the quantitative relationship between econo-mic benefit from timber production and ecological benefit caused by timber harvest﹖To answer those questions,we employed forest stand map and timber harvest map as the source of information and used forest service model from cited paper,hen selected four service functions including water-holding,soil-and fertilizer-holding,carbon sequestration and oxygen release to valuate the forest service function change in space from 1989 to 2000 within Yalihe of Huzhong Forest Bureau in Greater Hinggan Mountains.Meanwhile,we created harvest patches distribution map in order to estimate and compare the ecological loss caused by timber harvest and economic benefit.The results show that the total forest service value within Yalihe decreased from 0.185 billion yuan in 1989 to 0.137 billion yuan in 2000.Area with more than 200 thousand yuan per ha declined from 47.75% in 1989 to 13.52% in 2000 and shrunk far away from the main river.Area with 50-100 thousand yuan per ha increased greatly from 11.63% to 28.46%;and patches became more in size and number.The decrease in function value is due to timber harvest and loss of ecological benefits is 0.067 billion,which is about 1.9 times as many as the loss from timber economic benefits.In fact the ecological loss is far more because it will be a long-term process.The loss of ecological benefits shows a similar trend to timber yield during the last 10 years.Finally,the service function distribution across three management grade areas revealed that in harvest-profited area,the function value per ha is the lowest,only 3 254 yuan,so harvest-profited measure will benefit forest reforestation,neverthe-less,hectare value is the highest,being 3 845 yuan in forest production,then the low harvest timber will ensure the high service value.So our the management policy was proved to be reasonable from the point of view of forest services value change.Classifying management grade area and controlling the harvest volume will benefit restoration of vegetation and service function.This work gives contribution to not only the forest ecosystem service function research but also landscape ecology.It is a particular way to reveal anthropogenic activity intensity in space.Additionally,this work provided new view to evaluate the forest management policy.

Cite this article

LI Yue-hui, HU Zhi-bin, CHANG Yu, HU Yuan-man . Change of Forest Landscape Service Function under Timber Harvest[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2006 , 21(1) : 100 -108 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2006.01.013

