Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Soil Copper Accumulation under Different Land Use Types-The Case of Beijing

  • Center for Environmental Remediation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2005-02-05

  Revised date: 2005-04-26

  Online published: 2005-10-25


To investigate soil copper accumulation under different land use types,Cu concentra-tions of 609 soil samples from vegetable field,paddy field,orchard,greenbelt,cornfield and natural soils in Beijing were taken and analyzed.It was found that the concentrations of Cu with geometric mean 20.9mg/kg were much higher than the background concentration (18.7mg/kg),which indicated that atmospheric transportation was an important factor influencing the accumulation of Cu in the soils at large scale.Furthermore,some human activities,such as pesticides,livestock manures and landfill,would increase the concentrations of Cu in the soils rapidly at local scale.Combined with ANOVA analysis,Cu in the orchard showed the highest geometric mean concentration in 6 types, which was significantly higher than the mean concentrations of Cu in vegetable field,cornfield and natural soils.And the differences among the samples of orchard were also obvious,indicating the inhomogeneity of the spatial distribution and differences of the way and time of cultivation in different areas.Using the baseline (37.1mg/kg) as the criterion,the ratio of total samples beyond the limit was 5.6%.Compared with the total sample numbers of each land use type,the percentages of soil samples with the Cu concentrations over the baseline of Beijing soils were 29.2%,4.7%,4.2%,8.3% and 4.6% for orchard,vegetable field,paddy field,greenbelt and cornfield,respectively.The samples over the baseline of Beijing soils are mainly distributed in Changping and Chaoyang district.How to avoid the areas with serious pollution is an important problem in land use planning,especially in agricultural land use planning.

Key words: soil; land use; heavy metal; Cu; Beijing

Cite this article

ZHENG Yuan-ming, CHEN Tong-bin, ZHENG Guo-di, CHEN Huang, LUO Jin-fa, WU Hong-tao, ZHOU Jian-li . Soil Copper Accumulation under Different Land Use Types-The Case of Beijing[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2005 , 20(5) : 690 -696 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2005.05.008

