Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Experiment on Vegetation Rehabilitation and Optimization of Agro-forestry System in Karst Fengcong Depression (Peak Cluster) Area in Western Guangxi, China

  • 1. Guangxi Institute of Bontany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and CAS, Guilin 541006, China;
    2. Institute of Karst Geology, CAGS, Guilin 541004, China

Received date: 2004-06-18

  Revised date: 2004-09-15

  Online published: 2005-02-25


There are about more than 54×104km2 of exposed karst areas in Southwest China where the serious karst rocky desertification is not only a geoecological disaster but also a main factor constricting the social and economic development of Southwest China.The karst fengcong depression area is the most difficulty one to control the rocky desertification and tackle the environmental problems.Longhe karst fengcong depression was selected to demonstrate rehabi- litation and restoration.Following the principles of ecology relating to rehabilitation of forest vegetation,the measures of structural adjustment of rural enterprises,optimization of agriculture internal developing proportion,and establishment of various effective models for sustainable agricultural development are the basic ways to remedy and reconstruct the ecosystem of karst area in Southwest China.The ecological restoration is a kind of ecological integrated engineering. According to the types of the barren hills and local weather conditions,the specific procedures are taken such as to close hillsides to facilitate afforestation, to construct pioneer communities,to practise optimized combination of indigenous species of arbor,shrub,grass,and vine,to select excellent local tree species,especially the fast-growth evergreen broad-leaved tree species as main species for woodland reconstruction,to develop special local products to promote economic development and environmental improvement.After 3 years experiment,the vegetation coverage of Longhe karst fengcong area increased by 27%,and the per capita farmer's income by 20%.

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LI Xian-kun, LÜ Shi-hong, JIANG Zhong-cheng, HE Cheng-xin, LU Shu-hua, XIANG Wu-sheng, OU Zu-lan . Experiment on Vegetation Rehabilitation and Optimization of Agro-forestry System in Karst Fengcong Depression (Peak Cluster) Area in Western Guangxi, China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2005 , 20(1) : 92 -98 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2005.01.013

