Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Studies on the Dual Structure and Multilateral Sustainable Development in the Yellow River Delta

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2004-09-07

  Revised date: 2004-10-29

  Online published: 2005-04-25


The Yellow River Delta is developed from the exploitation of the oil resources. Altho-ugh it is in an advantageous position,it is still economically at the bottom surrounded by the developed regions.Dual structure is an important restricting factor in the process of sustainable development in the delta,including the relationship between cities and rural areas and the dissociated connection between the oil fields and districts.There are several significant opportunities to the comprehensive development,such as general reorganization and strypped-down in petroleum industry,the new tide of industry shift,the preponderant international and domestic conditions,layouts of some momentous items,improvement of transformation system,etc.To remain sustainable development, it is crucial of changeover in concepts from "building-up the city by oil resources" to "flourishing the city with harbor economy".Secondly,it is urgent to develop the downstream processing industry of oil resources and manufacturing with competitive advan-tages.Thirdly,it is necessary to put eco-agriculture into practice.And then,it is required to imp-lement congregating model in city exploitation.

Cite this article

BU Wei-na, FANG Chuang-lin . Studies on the Dual Structure and Multilateral Sustainable Development in the Yellow River Delta[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2005 , 20(2) : 242 -249 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2005.02.012

