Focusing on protecting the resource and enhancing its utilization, thi s article compared the reserves,grade,heavy metal content,centralization degree of reserves and transport distance of the phosphate rocks in China,USA and Moroc co.It is found out that Moroccan phosphate rock resources have extremely strong advantages,and the American resources are also superior to China.Comparsons of t he mineral production scale,recovery rate,production,cost and sustainable utiliz ing years revealed that USA and Morocco were superior in these aspects to China. It was estimated that the phosphate rock production in China had exceeded 40 mil lion tons (47.2 million tones in 2003) according to the phosphorus fertilizer pr oduction,which was the highest in the world.If the recovery rate was considered, more than 100 million tons might be exploited in 2003.That means 58.4 million to ns of phosphate rock were wasted.The phosphate rock all over the world can meet the demand of 100 years,but in China if no measures were taken to improve the te chnology of mining and to cut down the wastage,the phosphate rock which contains more than 30% of P2O5 would be used up in 2014.However,if the recovery rate was improved,it can last to 2022.With the exhaustion of the phosphate rock 20~30 y ears later in USA and China,Morocco will become the biggest phosphate supply cou ntry in the world.Despite the advantage of the heavy metal,i.e.,the low cadmium content,China's phosphate rocks are facing a gloomy future for its low,efficienc y utilization strategy. To the above question,this article has proposed several suggestions for the rational utilization of the phosphate rock resource in China .
ZHANG Wei-feng, MA Wen-qi, ZHANG Fu-suo, MA Ji
. Comparative Analysis of the Superiority of China's Phosphate Rock and Development Strategies with that of the United States and Morocco[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2005
, 20(3)
: 378
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2005.03.009