Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Study on a pricing approach to environmental value of forest resources—improved Timber Demand Curve Amend Method

  • 1. Economics and Trade College, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China;
    2. Economics and Management College, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China

Received date: 2002-07-22

  Revised date: 2002-10-29

  Online published: 2003-02-25


Many methods are used to evaluate environmental value of forest resources in the world.A new approach,i.e.,Timber Demand Curve Amend Method(TDCAM),was introduced by the authors.In this paper,the objective of the research is to study farther and improve TDCAM,so as to make the method more scientific and rational in evaluating environmental value of for-est resources.The approach of improvement of TDCAM is undertaken in light with the following procedure,namely,the optimal allocation of forest resources is made by equal marginal utility ac-cording to the principle of economics,the total environmental value of forest resources is inte-grated into environmental marginal utility value,and unit environmental value of forest resources is priced by average value transferred from direct marginal utility value according to the princi-ple of public goods.The method is used in a case of Jiangxi province to evaluate environmental value of forest resources.The result is that in a given condition the total environmental value of forest resources is288.7×10 8 yuan,and the unit environmental value of forest resources is1145×10 8 yuan/m3 in Jiangxi province.The improved method is better than the original,and is of logi-cality and convenience.It can reduce the errors when total environmental value of forest re-sources is calculated by the method.

Cite this article

CAO Jian-hua, YANG Qiu-lin . Study on a pricing approach to environmental value of forest resources—improved Timber Demand Curve Amend Method[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2003 , 18(1) : 94 -98 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2003.01.014

