By comparing the natural characteristics between two karst ecosystems,i.e.,typical peak forest plains and typical peak cluster depressions in Lijiang River basin of Guilin in China,their differences focus on karst forms,hypsographic features,hydrologic net,soil and vegetation,flood disaster,and system in-out function etc.Among them,karst forms,hypsographic features,exploitable and usable water and land resources are key factors that lead to differences between the two systems.Because of flat and wide terrain,abundant exogenous water and fertile soil,typi-cal peak cluster is of suitable foundation for urban development and population agglomeration.However,flood disaster,lack of surface water in dry season and surface collapse form environ-mental problems to social development.In the other way round,typical peak cluster depressions are characterized by numerous mountains,high terrains,deficient exogenous water,deep buried groundwater and infertile land.These features lead to poor living environment unsuitable for pop-ulation agglomeration.Natural villages are difficult to develop in the typical peak cluster depres-sions.
CHEN Yu-dao, JIANG Ya-ping, ZHU Yin-hong
. Differences of natural characteristics between two typical karst ecosystems in Lijiang River Basin[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2003
, 18(3)
: 326
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2003.03.010