Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

The application of EPIC model to calculate crop productive potentialities in loessic yuan region

  • State Key Lab of Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau,Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,CAS,Ministry of Water Resources and Science&Technology University of Agriculture and Forestry,Yangling712100,China

Received date: 2001-11-22

  Revised date: 2002-03-11

  Online published: 2002-08-25


In Loess Plateau,soil erosion is very intensive,and the actual productivity is low.To study the region's crop yield potential can offer grounds for increasing crop yield and conducting agricultural production programming.This paper introduces the characteristics,component,and application procedure of EPIC,and revises some crop parameters.Taking the maize and wheat as example,we proved that there is a good adaptability for EPIC model to be used in Loess Plateau for crop productivity simulation research.The results indicated that the average deviation between simulated and measured values for wheat was7.78%,that for maize9.60%;the number of annual average water stress days of wheat was9.9,the minimum was1.7,the maximum was23.1,that of maize was13.4,1.1,22.1.These values are in accordance with actual rainfall condi tions of the growing period of the above mentioned crops.The revised model is very accurate in normal years,but it is necessary to improve the revision method of the crop and soil parameters in arid years.

Cite this article

WANG Zong-ming, LIANG Yin-li . The application of EPIC model to calculate crop productive potentialities in loessic yuan region[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2002 , 17(4) : 481 -487 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2002.04.014

