Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Hydrological and ecological functions of litter layers for main forest-types in Qinling Mts.of Yellow River

  • 1. Chinese Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing100044,China;
    2. Northwest Sci&Tech University of Agriculture&Forestry,Yangling712100,China;
    3. China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center Beijing 100045 China

Received date: 2001-04-27

  Revised date: 2001-10-09

  Online published: 2002-02-25


By means of standard site-water balance fields and gathering baskets,the main func-tion s of litter layers for3forest-types of the Pine-oak forest belt in Qinling Mts.were examined,the result s are as follows:the average standing crop for sharptooth oak stand at age26,Ar mand pine stand at age24and Chinese pine stand at age24was17.475t/ha in the order of Armand pine>Chinese pine>sharptooth oak stand.The average annual falling litters for the3stands was4.179t/ha,of which the sharptooth oak stand was1.4times as high as the Armand pine or Chi-nese pine stand,but the accumulated litters for the former was less than half of the latter two.During the growth season the average retaining water for the3stands was44.81mm,being4.47% of the corresponding atmospheric precipitation.Among which the amount in broad-leaved stand was higher than in needle-leaved stand and changed with accumulated litters and tree species composition and so on.The orders of woodland evaporation and it's rate are put as naked land>broad-leaved woodland>needle-leaved woodland and naked woodland>litter-covered woodland,the seasonal variation for the woodland evaporation in needle-leaved stand was much more stable than in broad-leaved stand.The average percentage contents of N,P,K,Ca and Mg in the litters for the3stands was1.08,0.07,0.37,1.37and0.21respectively.In general,the average fig ure in sharp tooth oak stand was much higher than in Armand pine and Chinese pine stands,but there was no evident difference between that in Armand pine and Chinese pine stands.The average nutrient accumulated contents of the litters for the3stands was502.5kg/ha in the order of Chinese pine>Armand pine>sharptooth oak stand.The annual nutrient uptake and return of the sharptooth oak,Chinese pine and Armand pine stand were334.4and147.2,195.5and66.9,138.8and80.4kg /ha respectively with difference in the determined elements.The sharptooth oak stand not only required much more nutrient contents,but also had quicker bio-cycling rate than Chinese pine and Armand pine stand.

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LIU Guang-quan, WANG Hao, QIN Da-yong, NI Wen-jin . Hydrological and ecological functions of litter layers for main forest-types in Qinling Mts.of Yellow River[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2002 , 17(1) : 55 -62 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2002.01.009

