Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Study on the resourceful property of coal fly ash and the applied technology to pavement engineering

  • Key Laboratory of Rural Renewable Energy,Ministry of Agriculture,Zhengzhou 450002,China

Received date: 1999-06-16

  Revised date: 1999-09-14

  Online published: 2000-06-25


Based on the study of technological parameters of coal fly ash in laboratories,the influencing regularity of different ingredients and forms of coal fly ash on its resourceful property was disclosed.The optimum experiment for geting rid of carbon harmfulness to resourceful property of coal fly ash was initially finished.The coopera ting rate of decarbonized coal fly ash concrete was researched and used to fulfil the pavement repair work.The result shows that decarbonized coal fly ash can obviously improve the working property of the concrete.Both practical road conveyance and technological function can satisfy the demands of pavement engineering.Both the economic and environmental benefit is enormous.

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LIU Shengyong,ZHANG Quanguo,YANG Qunfa,ZHANG Xiangfeng . Study on the resourceful property of coal fly ash and the applied technology to pavement engineering[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2000 , 15(2) : 180 -183 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2000.02.017

