Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

An optimized method of afforestation planning and design under restricted conditions using the simulated annealing algorithm

  • Department of Resources & Environment, Fujian College of Forestry, Nanping,Fujian 353001, China

Received date: 1998-10-12

  Revised date: 1999-02-04

  Online published: 2000-03-25


Simulated annealing algorithm is a new optimization algorithm,the paper sets forward simulated annealing algorithm to determine the most effectual scheme under the restricted conditions of funds,varieties and quantities of seedlings.The mathematical models and concrete methods are offered and discussed.The authors have applied the program design mentioned above to 97 subcompartments and have got the satisfactory results.

Cite this article

WU Chengzhen, HONG wei . An optimized method of afforestation planning and design under restricted conditions using the simulated annealing algorithm[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2000 , 15(1) : 86 -90 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2000.01.015

