Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Human adaptation to climate change:a case study of changes in paddy planting area in Heilongjiang Province

  • Department of Geography,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China

Received date: 1999-10-28

  Revised date: 2000-03-02

  Online published: 2000-09-25


Heilongjiang Province has experienced a warming trend since 1951,especially since the 1980s,where the warming trend is the most obvious in China.Analysis of the relationship between the changes in paddy planting area and temperature change in Heilongjiang revealed that the stages of change in paddy planting area are corresponding to the stages of temperature change,but the former lags behind the latter by about 4~6 to 2~3years.The rapid increase in paddy planting area and the northward expansion of the paddy fields since the mid 1980s are response to the distinct rising trend of temperature since the 1980s.

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FANG Xiuqi, SHENG Jingfen . Human adaptation to climate change:a case study of changes in paddy planting area in Heilongjiang Province[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2000 , 15(3) : 213 -217 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2000.03.004

