The urban land per capita always inspires researchers working in the fields of urban planning, geography and urban/regional planning, because it is a basic parameter for urban planning and land use planning. In 1991, the standard of urban land per capita came into operation, which has become one of the important indexes for judging whether urban planning is reasonable at the different levels in China. However, after the rapid urbanization and economic development of 20 years, can the standard still meet the increasing demand of urban land in this country? In response to the question, this study discusses the differences of urban land per capita for 80 countries with the largest population in the world, using the data from the Demograhia website, FAO and World Bank, etc. Furthermore, the factors causing the differences are examined, using the cross-sectional data of these countries. The results show that urban land per capita has a positive relationship with land resources per capita and GDP per capita. And the latter has more influence on the differences than the former. In addition, the percentage of arable land and permanent crop land to the total land also has a relationship with urban land per capita. In China, urban land per capita will increase with economic development and might approach 165 m2 in 2020, which is higher than that of the present level (155 m2) and much higher than the upper limit of the standard of urban land per capita (120 m2).
TAN Ming-hong, LI Xiu-bin
. Characteristics of Urban Land Per Capita of Major Countries in the World and Its Implications for China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2010
, 25(11)
: 1813
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.11.001
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