Based on the crop growth and soil water content observed experiments in Lhasa Plateau Ecosystem Research Station, this paper used SHAW model to investigate the characteristics of water consumption and soil water deep percolation and deep soil water recharge of spring naked barley land. Then, the paper also discussed the prospective of the suitable irrigation scheduling according to the comparison of water consumption and water deep percolation and deep soil water recharge under sufficient irrigation and nonsufficient irrigation. Major results are reported as follows:1) Total water consumption of spring naked barley is estimated to be 450 mm. Hereinto, tillering to shooting, shooting to tasseling and tasseling to grain filling are the dominating water consumed stages, the water consumption of which accounts for 72%. So,it is important to ensure water supply in this stage.2) In the dominating water consumed stages, precipitation only covers 58% of the water requirement of spring naked barley, so, supplying irrigation is necessary. But, the existing irrigation scheduling enhances soil water evaporation and causes huge deep percolation.3) If the amount of 50 mm water is irrigated in the planting-emerging and shooting-tasseling stages respectively and 60 mm in the tasseling-grain filling stage, the total irrigation amount reduces 125 mm, deep percolation will reduce 81% (131 mm) and deep soil water recharge will increase 55% (44 mm). The prospective less irrigation would reduce deep percolation greatly and promote water recharge from deeper soil layer. Therefore, the prospective less irrigation should be extended.
YIN Zhi-fang, OUYANG Hua, ZHANG Xian-zhou
. Study on Water Consumption of Spring Naked Barley Land and Suitable Irrigation System in Tibet[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2010
, 25(10)
: 1666
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.10.005
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