Based on the existing research achievements at home and abroad, the author built a set of evaluation index system that can highlight the characteristics of urban agricultural sustainable development, and used the method of combination analytic hierarchy process and information entropy method as a core method to determine the index weight, made a quantitative & comprehensive appraisal of urban agricultural sustainable development in Shanghai from the time-series after 1993. The result showed: 1)The population subsystem became a main obstructive factor of urban agricultural sustainable development step by step; the economic subsystem became main contributing factor of urban agricultural sustainable development little by little; the social subsystem was more and more important to promote capability of urban agricultural sustainable development; the amount of cultivated land resources became shortage and continued to decrease, restricting the improvement of capability of urban agricultural sustainable development; heavy load of self-pollution of agricultural production took the negative effects on the overall upgrade of urban agricultural sustainable development capability. 2)The R-D comprehensive index value of urban agricultural sustainable development was not high and declined significantly, its average value was 1.9090 during the period 1993 to 2006, the R-D comprehensive index value decreased by 6.00% per annum from 2.5336 in 1993 to 0.5541 in 2006, resources pressure of urban agricultural sustainable development was greater and continued to increase; the E-D comprehensive index value of urban agricultural sustainable development was smaller and changed little, basically maintained at 1.0000 around most of the years, environmental pressure of urban agricultural sustainable development was great, but tended to be stable. 3)The comprehensive evaluation index value of urban agricultural sustainable development was in the sustainable and steady climb after the pre-wave-like changes, the increasing trend of urban agricultural sustainable development capability was significant.
DENG Chu-xiong, XIE Bing-geng, WU Yong-xing, LI Xiao-qing, FU Li-hua
. The Quantitative & Comprehensive Appraisal of Urban Agricultural Sustainable Development in Shanghai[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2010
, 25(9)
: 1577
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.09.017
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