Over the past 60 years, Resources Science has been developed into a comprehensive disciplinary system from integrated surveys of natural resources from the very beginning. Within this period, seven national development plans in science and technology were drawn up successively, among which the Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development Plan (1956-1967) and the National Program Outline for Scientific and Technological Development (1978-1985) had a maximum impact on the making and burgeoning progress of Resources Science. Specifically, the former plan greatly pushed forward the undertaking of comprehensive investigation of natural resources coming into being, while the latter one promoted further achievements of the undertaking, also gave strong impetus to Resources Science to take shape. The trajectory of Resources Science over 60 years could be divided into three main research stages, namely, stage of massive surveys of natural resources (1950-1960s), stage of regional comprehensive scientific investigation and Resources Science research (1970-1980s), and stage of the formation and advancement of Chinese Resources Science disciplinary system (1990-2000s). Three publications of significant landmark that are Chinese Natural Resources Series, China Encyclopedia of Resources Science, and Resources Science coming out around 2000 laid solid foundation for the establishment of Chinese Resources Science disciplinary system. In 2008, the published Chinese Terms in Resource Science and Technology went a step further to boost the development and improvement of Resources Science disciplinary system.
SUN Hong-lie, CHENG Sheng-kui, FENG Zhi-ming
. From Integrated Surveys of Natural Resources to Comprehensive Research of Resources Science over 60 years[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2010
, 25(9)
: 1414
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.09.001
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