Resources Ecology

Development and Application of Biotope Mapping in Nature Conservation and Urban-rural Planning in Foreign Countries

  • 1. College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China;
    2. Department of Landscape Management, Design and Construction, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp 23053, Sweden

Received date: 2009-09-09

  Revised date: 2010-02-21

  Online published: 2010-06-30


The purpose of this paper gives an overview of the development of biotope mapping in nature conservation and urban-rural planning in the developed countries during more than 30 years. The definition and ecological functions of the biotope and two main approaches of the biotope mapping are introduced. Development and applications of biotope mapping in foreign countries during more than 30 years was elaborated. It primarily elaborated on three periods of biotope mapping development in foreign countries during more than 30 years: 1) initial biotope mapping (1974-1986); 2) development of biotope mapping (1986-1997); and 3) extended biotope mapping (1997-present). And three aspects applications of biotope mapping in nature conservation and urban-rural planning were identified: 1) species and habitat conservation; 2) land use planning and management; and 3) landscape planning and management. The problems and deficiencies in current biotope mapping studies were also discussed. The problems mainly focus on subjectivity in biotope investigation, map scales and application of GIS technology. It is found that biotope mapping has been a basic tool for nature conservation and urban-rural planning in foreign countries, because it is capable of offering basic, conservation- or planning-oriented and usable biological and ecological information about research area. Current situation and prospect of application of biotope mapping in nature conservation and urban-rural planning in China were also analyzed.

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GAO Tian,QIU Ling,CHEN Cun-gen . Development and Application of Biotope Mapping in Nature Conservation and Urban-rural Planning in Foreign Countries[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2010 , 25(6) : 978 -989 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.06.010


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