Ecological footprints model is a method of measuring the sustainable development. In recent years, ecological footprints model has been a widely accepted tool to quantify the sustainable development level in many fields. However, ecological footprints model neglected the sustainability of economy and science technology. In order to improve the veracity of the model we join the economic factors, and they would provide suggestions for the sustainable development of mining cities in central Liaoning. We calculated ecological footprints(EF),ecological carrying capacity(EC) and budget of mining cities in central Liaoning between 1985 to 2005 by ecological footprints model; after coupling ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity and economic factors by P-S-R model, we got synthetic ecological carrying capacity index and estimated synthe-tic ecological carrying capacity level of mining cities in central Liaoning between 1985 to 2005. Results showed that: in mining cities in central Liaoning between 1985 to 2005, the EF increased from 1.79 ha to 3.53 ha, the increasing rate was 97.43%; the EC increased from 0.78 hm2 to 0.81 ha; the budget increased from -1.01 ha to -2.73 ha, the increasing rate was 190.17%; the synthetic ecological carrying capacity index reduced first, then increased from 2000; the synthetic ecological carrying capacity level was very high in 1985, lower in 1990, common in 1995 and 2000, and high in 2003 and 2005. The changing trend between ecological carrying capacity and synthetic ecological carrying capacity index was alike. The test result indicated that synthetic ecological carrying capacity index was developed from ecological carrying capacity, the relativity between them was high; and the synthetic ecological carrying capacity index was coupled by ecological carrying capacity, ecological footprints and economic factors, the richness of indicators could also improve the veracity of the estimated results. So the explorative research of ecological footprints model and economic factors was carried out which could give some use for reference of the other research about ecological footprints model.
GU Kang-kang, LIU Jing-shuang, DOU Jing-xin
. The Research about Ecological Carrying Capacity of Mining Cities in Central Liaoning[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008
, 23(1)
: 87
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.01.010
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