Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS

Study on Remote Sensing Quantitative Model of Suspended Sediments in the Coastal Waters of Fujian

  • 1. Fujian Provincial Meteorological Institute, Fuzhou 350001, China;
    2. Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Fuzhou 350001, China;
    3. Monitoring Center for Marine Environment and Fishery Resources, Fuzhou 350003, China

Received date: 2007-05-10

  Revised date: 2007-07-23

  Online published: 2008-02-01


On the basis of analysis of MODIS data reflected spectrum characteristics on ocean, the remote sensing parameters of suspended sediments have been marked by selecting MODIS available channels in this paper,and the relevant inversion model of quantitative remote sensing data monitoring for suspended sediments has been established with ocean color data measured from nine stations on Fujian coastal waters in 2003-2004.The suspended sediment concentration on the coastal waters of Fujian in 2001-2005 has been calculated by using the quantitative remote sensing inversion model which has been established,and according to calculation results the characteristics of the spatial distribution and variation of suspended sediments concentration have been analyzed in the same region,specially,the movement characteristics of suspended sediments in Minjiang River estuary have been analyzed. The results indicate that the relationship between the suspended sediment concentration in the coastal waters of Fujian and the remote sensing parameters of suspended sediments based on MODIS blue(0.438-0.448μm) and green(0.545-0.565μm) channel data show exponential function,and the remote sensing quantitative model has gained a good effect and high accuracy,and can fulfill the quantitative survey of the distribution and variation of suspended sediments in the coastal waters of Fujian. Finally,the results will be considered as a basis for further research in this region.

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ZHANG Chun-gui, ZHANG Xing, CHEN Min-yan, PAN Wei-hua, ZENG Yin-dong . Study on Remote Sensing Quantitative Model of Suspended Sediments in the Coastal Waters of Fujian[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008 , 23(1) : 150 -160 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.01.017


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