Energy problem is always the focus and difficulty in China’s national economic development. The most realistic and efficient way to resolve current energy shortage and energy pollution issue is to improve energy utilization efficiency. This paper applied hierarchical cluster analysis to classify energy utilization efficiency of 30 provinces in China from 2001 to 2005. Then Theil coefficient was applied to investigate the regional disparity characteristics of energy utilization efficiency. On this basis, the factors affecting energy utilization efficiency were explored quantificationally both in time and space dimensions with panel data models. The following conclusions were drawn. Firstly, there was notable inter-provincial disparity in energy utilization efficiency. In the geographical space, all provinces could be divided into high-efficiency area (distributing along the coast of eastern China), moderate-efficiency and low-efficiency area. Secondly, energy utilization efficiency rose significantly during the 10th Five-Year Plan Period in 2001-2005, but its regional disparity in the scale of nationwide, inter-category and intra-category showed a trend of further expansion. Thirdly, excluding the factor of economic development level, the main factors affecting energy utilization efficiency were energy structure, technique level, industrial structure, price level and investment level. Fourthly, coal consumption had the most negative effect on energy utilization efficiency, while the total labor productivity had the most positive effect. Finally, effective measures improving energy utilization efficiency were to adjust energy consumption structure and raise the productivity of labor.
QIU Ling, SHEN Yu-ming, REN Wang-bing, YAN Ting-ting
. Analysis on Regional Disparity and Its Influential Factors of Energy Utilization Efficiency in China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008
, 23(5)
: 920
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.05.020
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