It is quite controversial on the impact of non-agricultural land sprawl on soil resources in China. One opinion holds that food security has been challenged because non-agricultural land sprawl has caused the dramatic shrinkage of agricultural soil resources; and another opinion thinks the food security can be guaranteed by the implementation of "dynamic balance of total amount of arable land between occupying and supplementing" which can keep total area of agricultural soil resources without decrease. Therefore, based on the 4 phases of Landsat TM images covering the 1984-2003 period and the soil quality map generated from local soil map, this paper examined the spatio-temporal dynamics of non-agricultural land expansion on soil resources in Suzhou city, which is one of the most urbanized cities and also characterized by the most fertile soils. The result indicated that the moderately high quality soil is the most extensively occupied soil resource by non-agricultural land expansion in cantonal Suzhou, being 92.10% of the total occupied area. And then the high quality soil followed by less moderately and low quality soil, being only 1.95% of the total expanded area. Additionally, analysis on the non-agricultural land expansion separately in urban and rural areas revealed that in urban area the soil with higher quality is easier to be occupied for non-agricultural purpose while on the contrary, in rural area the soil with low quality is more inclined to be consumed. For example, the expansion rate of high quality soil increased from 1.58% in 1984 to 3.43% in 2003 and that of low quality decreased from 19.95% in 1984 to 1.50% in 2003 in urban area; and at the same time in rural area, the expansion rate of the high quality soil decreased from 2.57% in 1984 to 1.13% in 2003 and increased from 0.88% in 1984 to 2.07% in 2003.
LI Gui-lin, CHEN Jie, TAN Man-zhi
. Spatio-temporal Impact of Non-agricultural Land Expansion on Soil Resources in Suzhou City[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008
, 23(4)
: 674
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.04.015
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