Using statistical methods, this paper analyzed the NDVI differences before and after water transfer to Yinsu section, Kaerdayi section and Alagan section at Daxihaizi reservoir in the lower reaches of Tarim River as well as speculated the level of response of riparian vegetation at these sections to water transfer. The results showed that with the practice of water transfer, the study area’s NDVI and the groundwater level gradually presented negatively correlating trends, with the increase in groundwater level, the range of NDVI increase gradually increased; before and after water transfer NDVI difference varied significantly on the same sections, according to the degree of NDVI difference before and after water transfer the order of vegetation restoration speed is Yinsu> Kaerdayi> Alagan; no difference of NDVI among sections was observed before water transfer after at NDVI differs significantly among sections, according to the degree of vegetation restoration, the order is Yinsu> Kaerdayi> Alagan; taking NDVI of the neighboring Daxihaizi Reservoir as a reference, vegetation restoration rate of the three sections respectively is 20.2%,18.4% and 8.4%. The above study shows that, after seven years the ecological restoration of vegetation is still limited by water supply, hence, continuous water transfer is quite necessary.
NIU Ting, LI Xia, YAO Xiao-rui, GUO Yu-chuan, SHI Rui-hua
. The Analysis on the NDVI Difference before and after Water Transfer to the Lower Reaches of Tarim River[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008
, 23(5)
: 858
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.05.013
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