Developing the strategy and pattern of eco-friendly land use is a key content and one of the best starting points to realize the proposed environmentally-friendly society. This research established the principles, indicator system and methodology of eco-friendliness evaluation of mountainous land use, and built up a grading system and quantitative classifying criteria for the degree of eco-friendliness of mountainous land use, so as to promote the combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of eco-friendliness of mountainous land use."Eco-friendly mountainous land use" can be defined to be mountainous land development and use in an eco-friendly manner to maintain ecological, economic and social sustainability of mountainous land use.The ecological friendliness of land use can be graded into five degrees: highly friendly, moderately friendly, lowly friendly, unfriendly and very unfriendly. Taking Yunnan Province as an example, this research conducted quantitative measurement of the eco-friendliness degree of land use at county level in the province, and graded the eco-friendliness degrees of land use in 126 counties in Yunnan. This research showed that the average value of eco-friendliness degree (DEF) in Yunnan at present is merely 48.1, being "ecologically unfriendly". Some two thirds of the counties in Yunnan have now practiced ecologically unfriendly or very ecologically unfriendly land use. Of them more than one fifth of the counties carried on very ecologically unfriendly land use, with northeast Yunnan’s mid-mountain areas having the lowest degree of ecological friendliness, which is below 40 on average, and southeast Yunnan’s karst low and middle-mountain areas also having a very low degree of ecological friendliness.This research aims to regulate and improve existing land development and use patterns in mountainous areas based on the principle of ecological friendliness and in accordance with the requirements of modern ecological civilization, to realize the thorough change from being eco-unfriendly to being eco-friendly, and to achieve the best balance point and optimal relationship among productivity development, people’s well-being, and eco-environmental soundness on condition that people and nature coexist in harmony.
YANG Zi-sheng, LIU Yan-sui, HE Yi-mei, TAO Wen-xing, XU Jing-jing
. The Principles and Methods of Eco-friendliness Evaluation of Land Use in Mountainous Areas at County Level and Its Case Study[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008
, 23(4)
: 600
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.04.007
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