With data of coal flux among different provinces by national railway and price of steam coal in China in 2005, taking the largest coal exporter—Shanxi province as an example, with statistic methods such as correlation and regression analysis, the driving forces of resource flow are analyzed. Based on conception of field theory including resource field, resource potential etc., a method for measuring the potential of resource flow among regions is presented. The conclusions lie in:1) distance and price difference between source and sink of coal flow are the two leading driving factors of coal flow among regions.2) The greater the price difference between source and sink is, the greater resource flux occurs, while the relationship of distance and flux is the opposite.However, at the significant level of 0.05, there isn't linear correlation between price difference and resource flux; while distance and resource flux from source to sinks assumes inverse linear correlation, and spatial assignment of resource flux in resource outflow field complies with the law of distance decay. 3) There is a regression function such as F=e9.091-0.003D between the net flux and the distance from Shanxi province to other provinces. 4) For resources potential difference has covered the two main factors—distance and flux of coal flow, the potential difference is a useful tool for measuring the potential of resources flow.
XU Zeng-rang, CHENG Sheng-kui, GU Shu-zhong, SHEN Lei
. Driving Forces of Resource Flow among Regions and Measurement of Resource Flow Potential—Taking Coal Flow from Shanxi to Other Provinces as a Case[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008
, 23(5)
: 773
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.05.004
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