The Conghua hot springs are located in the northeast of Conghua,Guangdong,and lie in the northeastern part of the Guangzhou-Conghua faulted zone.The springs occur in the small NW and NE trending faults in the granite of Yanshan Period.The springs are of low TDS,low-to-moderate temperature and weak alkali.The thermal groundwater is predominated by K, Na and Ca in cations and HCO3 in anions and is of Na-HCO3 and Na·Ca-HCO3 types.The hot water has high concentrations of H2SiO3 and F,and is enriched in Li,Sr,Ba,HBO2,Ra and Rn.Isotopes of D and 18O indicate that the hot water is of meteoric origin.The temperature of the geothermal reservoir estimated with a SiO2 geothermometer ranges from 82.14 to 93.52℃.The residence time of the thermal groundwater estimated with Ra-Rn method is short,indicating a quick water circulation.The formation of the hot springs suggests that sustainable utilization of the hot water will be maintained if the total withdrawal rate is relatively small and an alternative pumping and non-pumping pattern is used.
ZHOU Hai-yan, ZHOU Xun, LIU Chun-hui, YU Lan, LI Juan, LIANG Yong-guo
. Hydro-chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Conghua Hot Mineral Springs in Guangdong[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2008
, 23(4)
: 705
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2008.04.018
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