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    Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Long Yihuan, Lou Xingfu
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    This article discusses the two interrelated aspects of the natural resources strategy. In the first part of the article, we demonstrate the basic formulas and the three main points of evaluation of the natural resources strategy, that is the evaluation in general, the evaluation of corre lation and the evaluation of potentiality. In the second part, we initiate the procedure of policy-making of the natural resources strategy, including the direction of exploitation and utilization, the scale of exploitation and utilization, the layout of exploitation and utilization, the time order of exploitation and utilization, the pattern of exploitation and utilization, and the protection of natural resources. These elements, taken together, constitute a complete system of the policy-making of the natural resources exploitation. We also systematically elaborate the central content and the basic method of the study of natural resources strategy and objectively reflect the regularity of the study of the natural resources strategy.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Wang Fei, Xie Qiming
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    This paper first expounds the definition of the wetland and takes the Honghu wetland as an example to discuss the wetland ecosystem's nature including hydrology, soil, biological composition and function. Then it proceed to set forth the preservation and utilization problems of the wetland. Finally, this paper points out that only full preservation can make the wetland constantly favourable to the human race.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Fan Zili, Wang Xipeng
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    The plain lakes in Xinjiang have changed a great deal as a result of human's activities. Besides that some of them have become smaller or dried up, water salinzization of the lakes gives rise to a very conspicuous problem either. For example, the water mineralization of the Bosten Lake, the largest interior freshwater lake in China, raised from 0.25-0.40g/l in 1958 to 1.80-1.90g/l in 1986 and this freshwater lake has changed into a saltwater one to a certain extent. The water mineralization of other lakes such as the Buluntuo Lake and the Ailike Lake has increased notably. The water salinization of plain reservoirs is becoming more and more serious from day to day. The water salinization of lakes and reservoirs could exert an unpleasant influence on fishing, irrigation, reed growth, drinking water, and people's health. It is mainly the deterioration of salt balance and water balance that resulted in the water salinization. For the prevention and control of the water salinization, we have to drain less farm fields water into the natural river courses and lakes in order to ensure the water supply for ecologic purpose and put an end to the loss state in which the water balance of lakes has been for a long time.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Liu Zhendong, Yao Shimou, Lin Zhensheng
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    The Jiulong River basin is situated in the south subtropical zone of China with favorable climate conditions, fertile land and rich products. It is a hinterland of economic development of southern Fujian. As the policy of special-zone and open-zone is carried out in recent years, the economy of the cities and villages develops very fast. But it is faceing serious challenges of soil and water loss, water pollution, and geomorphological calamity at present, because it has neglected the management and protection of the envir3nment at the same time. On the basis of investigation, we put forward three ideas about the management of the Jiulong River and the development direction, countermeasures, main ways and measures, for the comprehensive exploitation and utilization of the economy of the Jiulong River basin. All these have important meaning to the management and development of the Jiulong River basin.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Jiang Weiran
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    The modern Yellow River delta is extremely rich in land resources. Because of larger sa-linized areas, lower index of cultivated land, fragile ecological environment, and the exploitation and utilization of the land being affected by the annual of seasonal distribution of the fresh water, the level of the present land productivity is rather low. However, despite of this, the potentiality of its exploitation and utilization is great, Such a task is increasngy pressing.For the time being, the main measures for developing the delta may be considered as follows: 1. Improve the low-yield fields and develop the productive potentiality of the land. 2. Improve the environment by expanding the forest land of the plain and establishing the windbreak belts. 3. Develop the present grazing land step by step into a productive base of livestock. 4. Utilize the seabeach and the internal water resource for breading and planting. 5. The relations between the land development and the oil-field construction must be treated correctly so as to give full play to the advantages of both land and oil. 6. In order to make necessary and timely changes about the utilization of the land according to scientific data to fully exert the proctive potential of the land resources, the remote sensing materials should be employed to monitor the dynamic changes of the land resources.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Wu Yegang, Han Jinxian
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    Through an analysis of the growth of the annual ring of Pinus Koraiensis the progressive regression of Pinus Koraiensis production and 23 climatic elements was made. The result shows that the production of Pinus Koraiensis closely correlates with the average temperature of July, the cumulative temperature of ≥5℃ and the annual precipitation. According to the three climatic elements mentioned above, the suitable districts for the growth of Pinus Koraiensis are demarcated into three kinds: suitable, relatively poor, and unsuitable regions. These three kinds of regions are fit for the actual distribution of Pinus Koraiensis. It seems to prove that the growth of Pinus Koraiensis is suitable to modern climate. The mixed broadleaved trees-Pinus Koraiensis forest is a stable climate in the mountainous region of Northeast China. This result also provides a scientific basis for the distribution of the artificial Pinus Koraiensis forests.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Feng Zuojian
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    The author conducted two surveys of the wild animals in the region under consideration in the years 1987 and 1988. This paper presents scientific results obtained in order to afford some information on the status of the wild animal resources.Altogether, 21 species of wild animal resources are found in this region, belonging to 5 orders, 10 families and 18 genera. A list of these species with their geographical distribution is given in Table 1.Zoogeographically, in regard to the characteristics of the distribution of the wild animal resources in the region, we may take note of the following three facts.1.In the western parts of the Karakorum and western Kunlun mountains, the components of the wild animal resources mainly belong to the Central Asian pattern, .such as Snow leopart Panthera unica, Goitred gazelle Gazella subgutturosa, Ibex Capra ibex, Argali sheep Ovis arn-mon, Longtailed marmot Marmota caudata, etc., while the remaining belong to the Northern Eurasian species or the widely distributed species, such as Red fox Vulpes vulpes, Stone marten Maries foina and Cape hare Lepus capensis.2.In the region from the above-mentioned areas eastward to eastern Kunlun mountains (including their branches-Altyn Shan and Qimantag Shan), the endemic species of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are comparatively common and the large ungulates are especially dominant. The representative species are Tibetan wild ass Asinus kiang, Wild yak Poephagus mutus and Tibetan antelope Pamholops hodgsoni. Besides, Himalayan marmot Marmota himalayana, High-land hare Lepus oiostolus and Tibetan fox Vulpes fcrrilata are also observed, and they have respectively replaced Marmota catidata, Lepus capensis and Vulpes vulpes in the above-mentioned region according to the data of geographical distribution.3.In the east part of the western Kunlun mountains, the elevation of the southern slopes (southern wing) fluctuates between 4900-5100m with numerous lakes and lacustrine flats on the expansive plateau. The natural landscope of the northern slopes (northern wing) differs greatly from that of the southern slopes. Thus, Tibetan wild ass, Wild yak and Tibetan antelope find their excellant habitats on the south slopes. Here they live in quite good conditions and their population is generally large. For example, we have counted more than 200 Wild yaks and over 600 Tibetan antelopes. By contrast, only about 50 Will yaks and less than 10 Tibetan antelopes have been observed on the northern slopes, and they apparently survive in small numbers.In addition, Ibex Capra ibex is only found in the western and northern parts of the Tax-korgan Reserve which is situated in the southwest corner of Xinjing Uygur Autonomous Region, which Blue sheep Pseudois nayaur occurs in the eastern and southeastern parts of it (Sch-aller et al., 1987). Because these two species are similar in the author considers that the ecological separation may be able to reduce the competition pressure for food, and that it may be favourable to them in the struggle for existence in nature.Finally, some existing problems of wildlife management in the region are presented. Also some suggestions for scientific conservation and exploitation of the wild animal resources are discussed.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Wu Yunfei, Wu Cuizhen
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    The region of the Karakorum and Kunlun mountains is a high and sparsely populated region with an area of about 400 000 square kilometers. It is one of the less studied regions in China. The present paper deals with the results of surveys on hydrobios and fish as well as fishery in the water systems of this region during the years 1974 and 1987-1988. Altogether 41 collecting localities were set up there. 1516 fish specimens were collected from 36 collecting localities and 40 bottles of the hydrobios specimens from 16 ones.This paper comprises 5 parts: 1) the natural enviroment of the water system and the collecting localities; 2) the hydrobios of this region and their characteristics; 3) the compositions of fish fauna and the natural food of fish; 4) the fish resources and the analyses of the fish resources dynamics; 5) the countermeasures of fishery development and the protection of the rare freshwater fish.Lastly,the rational utilization, conservation and management of fishery resources are suggested.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Huang Fusheng, Zhang Xuezong
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    In this paper the authors deal with the common characteristics of the insect fauna and the component difference of the fauna under different conditions.1.During the field work in the years 1987-1988, 10322 insect specimens were collected representing 18 orders of insect and 1 order of mites. Of the collected insect orders Diptera orcupied the first place in the complexity of species and in numbers of specimen, Coleopiera the second and Lepidoptera the third.2.The species identified include Orthoptera, Neuroptera, coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hy-menoptera and Diptera. A statistic analysis of those species shows that the fauna of Kalakorum-Kunlun Mountains belongs to the typical Palaearctic Region. The Palaearctic species number 96, occupying 53.93% of the total. The middle Asian species number 30, occupying 16.85% of the toral. Together, these two have 126 species, occupying more than 70% of the total.3.Of the species which only oocur on the northern slopes of the Kalakorum-Kunlun Mountains, the Palaearctic species number 58, occupying 52.25% of the total, the middle Asian species number 30, occupying 27.02% of the total, and the endemic species number 15, occupying 13.5% of the total.4.Of the species which occur on both the northern and the southern slopes, the Pala-carctic species number 32, occupying 50% of the total, the middle Asian species number 2, occupying 3.12% and the species occurring specially at high altitude number 12, occupying 18%.5.Of the species which only occur oil th southern slopes of the Kalakorum-Kunlun Mountains, so far as we know, there are only 2 species and they occur at high altitute only.Under the high pressure of the India landmass upon the old Eurasia continent, the Talimu region rose, the sea water retreated from there, and a round, closed basin appeared. Consequently quite a number of endemic elements, such as endemic subspecies Bombus asiaticus bai-chcngensis Wang, endemic species Eremippus yechengensis Liu, and endemic genus Conophy-mopsis Spp. came into being.
  • Special Column:Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of IGSNRR, CAS
    Wu Sugong, Fei Yong, Xia Yu, Wu Yuhu
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    This paper is based on the results of the exploration during the years 1987-1988. The characteristics of the flora of the region are as follow:1.The kinds of plant are rather poor. There are only 243 genera and about 700 species belonging to advanced plants.2.134 genera (56%) belong to the temperature type. The Mediterranean and C. Asia flora elements are important elements, but they almost distribute below the altitude of 3200 m. (3800m) only.3.The Sanzhu Valley is a boundary of floristic regions. 72 genera (among total 243 genera) do not appear in the area on the east of ihe valley. This perhaps shows the climate On the east is much drier than that on the west.4.There are no strict endemic genera, but the species differentiate actively. The number of their populations is large.The medicine resources is important in this area. Rhodiola, Saussurca, Allium Hymenola-ena, etc, should be studied first and exploited rationally in the future.