收稿日期: 2011-11-04
修回日期: 2012-03-05
网络出版日期: 2012-11-20
Identification of Resource Major Portion of Land Ecosystem: A Case Study of Wuxi, the Yangtze River Delta Area
Received date: 2011-11-04
Revised date: 2012-03-05
Online published: 2012-11-20
吴未, 路平山 . 土地生态安全资源型关键地段识别——以长江三角洲无锡市为例[J]. 自然资源学报, 2012 , 27(11) : 1860 -1869 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.11.005
Resource major portion has the key function to the sustainability and the security of local land ecosystem, which is a critical part of local ecological networks. The main purpose of this paper is to promote an approach, which is suitable for the characteristics of land ecosystem of the Yangtze River Delta Area, with collected coarse ecological data and precise land use data to identify resource major portion. Firstly, a set of indices, 21 indicators, is proposed to identify the importance of different sub-municipal units within the objective, Wuxi municipal city. Then, a set of ecological contribution ratios of different land use is applied with GIS technology to identify the importance of different patches of land use within the sub-municipal units. Lastly, the total area of Wuxi municipal city is classified into six groups: resource major portion (RMP), RMP buffer, common zone, interference portion (IP), IP buffer, and overlapped zone of buffers (OB). The research result presents that these six groups of zones sharing the proportions of total area are 19.70%, 12.03%, 39.62%, 16.36%, 12.28% and 6.35% respectively. The patches of RMP are small in size and in an unbalanced spatial arrangement. 85.26% of all the RMP patches are in Yixing sub-municipal unit due to local physiogeographic factors and less human activities interference. The IP patches in average size are bigger and more spatially concentrative compared with those of RMP patches, especially for the IP patches in Binhu Built-up Area, the combination of seven sub-municipal units and the city centre of Wuxi municipal city. The spatial arrangement of IP patches has a close relation with those of the urban built-up areas and regional infrastructures. The characteristics of spatial arrangements of the OB patches in different sub-municipal units are different due to their different causes. At last, the authors recommend that there are 50.48% of the RMP buffer patches in Binhu Built-up Area, 40.91% in Jiangyin, and 33.63% in Yixing which have potential possibility of being interfered along with coming rapid urbanization.
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