This paper applied the directional distance function model and measured agricultural technical efficiency under the environmental constraints using inter-provincial panel data from 1997 to 2009, then analyzed temporal and spatial characteristics of agricultural environmental technical efficiency, and lastly explored the factors affecting the evolution of agricultural environmental technical efficiency. The main findings are: 1) The average value of agricultural environmental technical efficiency from 1997 to 2009 was 0.692. From the temporal perspective, in general agricultural environmental technical efficiency appeared an increase-decrease-increase trend. 2) Agricultural environmental technical efficiency was related with regional economic development and agricultural production condition. Provinces with a higher level of economic development in Eastern China have higher environmental technical efficiency; while provinces with a lower level of economic development in Central and Western China have lower environmental technical efficiency. 3) Factors affecting agricultural environmental technical efficiency are multifaceted. With good economic development, people have higher environmental requirements, have greater capacity and willingness to prevent and control agricultural environmental pollution, and therefore promoting agricultural environmental technical efficiency. Changes of agricultural structure, including crop structure and agricultural production value structure, affect agricultural environmental technical efficiency as well. Agricultural infrastructure investment is helpful for agricultural environmental technical efficiency. However, the role of agricultural resource endowments and agricultural environmental management policies on agricultural environmental technical efficiency is not obvious.
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